How do i block certain sites

I am using a Ubuntu and a raspberry pi
raspberry pi is my main computer that is running pi-hole, i want to figure out how to block certain sites, plz help!

Do you want to completely block a site, or do you want to block ads on a specific site? These tools can help.

I want to completely block a site

again my Rasp. pi is the computer that is running pi-hole on ETHERNET
i am using a pi 4 Model B 8GB RAM
i thought that would be some important info
i also bought it from Cana kit

like if a person tries to go on it, it wont load, or it will give a error

that's what it want it to do
completely block a SPECIFIC WEBSITE

For the domain that serves the website, block that domain. Example: is a URL.

The domain is

To block Facebook, add the domain to your black list as a wildcard.

ok, let me try that...

it did not work

tried to block Netflix, i set it as a wildcard, then I tried to go on Netflix, and somehow, i got to Netflix perfectly, so it did not block?

made through Netflix perfectly

From the device, please run


nslookup IP_OF_YOUR_PI

Please upload a debug log and post just the token that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

yubiuser, do I do that on the pi? (the one that is running pi-hole)

yubiuser, do I do that on the pi? (the one that is running pi-hole)

The nslookup commands from a client. The debug log on the Pi.

ok i will run on pi

thank you :slight_smile:

@yubiuser so for example, i have a windows computer connected to pi hole but NOT running pi-hole, so on the windows i would go in the command line and do nslookup?
i set up pi-hole on pi, windows is the computer i configured.
sorry for any inconvenience of me not understanding, i am a pi beginner.

ok, actually it worked on my TV, i tried to go on netflix and i got a error, so it worked
for: @jfb

looks like i did not configure my computer properly! :slight_smile: sorry for any confusion