How do I access my Pi-hole interface if I've changed my IP? How do I update my static IP?

Two remarks about above screenshot.

  1. The SSH daemon is disabled OOTB and needs to be enabled and started first with below:

sudo systemctl enable --now ssh.service

  1. The sshd daemon doesnt allow root logins OOTB:
pi@ph5b:~ $ man sshd_config
             Specifies whether root can log in using ssh(1).  The argument
             must be yes, prohibit-password, forced-commands-only, or no.
             The default is prohibit-password.

             If this option is set to prohibit-password (or its deprecated
             alias, without-password), password and keyboard-interactive
             authentication are disabled for root.

EDIT: Ow one more remark/request, whenever possible, try copy/past the output to here as text (like I did above^) instead of screenshots pls?
You can format the output here with the </> button before posting.
Easier for us to copy/paste from and makes searching for others with similar problems easier.

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It would just be wired connections using the Rasberry since I plan on buying an Ethernet switch before a router. The Raspberry can't give off WiFi signal for IoT devices to connect to, right?

I'll update my PR to fix this already in v6.

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Yes it can:

But for now, I would advice to not complicate too much!
First get everything running and tested on a single network and get a bit more familiar with the workings of Pi-hole.

EDIT: Ow below is a good starting point:

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