High availability (HA) for Pi-hole (running two Pi-hole's)

Yes if I used one pihole to troubleshoot.

I feel it is a conflict of your own interest to prevent ads from loading, but you choose to support the ad company I would presume you might block.

You are basically telling Google every single website you and others visit, as a backup. I can't get to this. If, lots of assumptions here, you truly care about your privacy--why in the world else would you use it--then why use an ad company as your dns resolver, ever?

I think it would be informative to review other dns providers and choose just about anything besides the Alphabet or Google company, all in the name of so-called privacy.

To me, this setup contradicts itself, you want to block ads, but, it seems you are 100% comfortable with an ad company knowing where you are in the web, what times, and other ibfo. Just doesn't add up for me.

Would you be interested in sponsoring this feature?

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I would, is there a bounty pool already for this feature? Like on bountysource.com or something?

Also I would like to add it turns out I can not even use gravity-sync from the video I posted due to this issue. I have the same setup. Want to run it on TrueNAS SCALE and a raspberry pi as back up.

No, I think something of this size and undertaking would be in the range of 50-100 hours at least.

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I think I can get close to minimum wage on that if we could get a couple of others in on it.

Let me know when you have that.

Looks like BountySource is a no go anymore. Acquired by a crypto company, added awful things to the TOS, etc.

Maybe Gitpay? Looks like it is an 8% free for open source projects.

Anybody else here interested in sponsoring this? Thoughts on how to coordinate that? I can put at least $500 down, so it is not like we will be starting at $20 or something ridiculous.

@DanSchaper Has pihole had sponsored features before? How has that worked exactly?

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We've had one or two, directly paid via donations.

Might wanna take a look at this:

I’ve using it for some time now and it’s keeping my 3 instances in sync. I update 1 (the main) and the other 3 update themselves.

Did you try Orbital-Sync?


I love Gravity Sync and have used it for some time, but I personally find it to be difficult to set up in some contexts (Docker, Unraid, etc.). Orbital Sync's approach is designed to rely less on the servers running Pi-hole by instead acting on their admin interface just like you would.

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I didn't know about that one. I have actually been using pfBlocker for a couple of years now. I switched specifically waiting for HA Pihole. Because if pfBlocker is down my router is probably down anyways.
I have added a request for this to be added to TrueCharts for easy TrueNAS SCALE installation.

Hey, for me it looks like there is no development anymore on gravity-sync.
That makes me a bit nervous that with pihole 6 gravity-sync will no longer work.

The main reason here at home for 2 pihole instances is, that if i shutdown one server for upgrades/etc... i still have the second (backup) server for internet things.

Tho i could theoretically migrate the container to the other proxmox node, but that isn't very handy, because the storages are different.
Means, that i would always need to stop the container make a backup, move the backup to the other node and restore it there again, then start the new container again...


What makes you think that? There was a fix released just last month and I see no indications that development has stopped. There also appears to be a release set up (https://github.com/vmstan/gravity-sync/compare/4.0.5) though you might need to ping vmstan to ask if he just forgot to release it.

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You're correct!!!
Glad fucking god, he continues developing it :see_no_evil:

I didn't seen that there is an 4.0.5 branch, where he was a bit active on May.
Just seen the default master branch and the last commit scared me :joy:

Thx Dan!

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So... Is this still out of the scope of the project?

Currently, yes. There are no plans to include any high-availability features from our side. But as always, we're up for external contributions.

We're working hard on Pi-hole v6 which will offer a completely new API. One of the features is the ability to up/download a teleporter archive remotely. This could simplify a high availability setup dramatically.

As a proof-of-concept I wrote a bash script "syncing" a main Pi-hole to a secondary one. Nothing needs to be installed, just run the script from any computer which can reach both v6 APIs.

Don't run this script in production as it will restore the full teleporter backup to the secondary Pi-hole, overwriting all previous settings.

pihole_tools/pihole_sync.sh at 6a4f361edb17497c014414b6d9b61deecdf25f2e · yubiuser/pihole_tools · GitHub

As always: external scripts should not be discussed here, use the linked github repo.


In the meantime, what about a "medium" availability? An entry in the admin interface where you can add the IP of another pihole on the network and then once saved, the first pihole confirms that the second pihole exists and is a pihole.

Then if you're using the first pihole for DHCP, it can add the second pihole to the list of DNS servers for you instead of having to go into the DNS masq config files yourself. (not sure if the vmstan's gravity-sync script already does this, I just learned about it today)

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