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Disable (but dnsmasq is still installed) or uninstall?

Does not work on my system (Debian 9):

Unit dnsmsaq.service could not be found.

but the command 'sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq status'.

We disable the service with systemctl disable dnsmasq

As dnsmasq is embedded into FTL, there is no need to have it running separately :slight_smile:

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I'm on FTLDNS now. Update without obvious problems.

To monit users: adapt or deactivate your configuration file for previous dnsmasq.

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There is a typo with "dnsmsaq" instead of "dnsmasq"
"sudo systemctl status dnsmsaq" should be "sudo systemctl status dnsmasq"


Fixed it...

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@koolkid1935 @Tntdruid Thanks for reporting, I will look into it.

Updated with the two commands above with 0 problems.
I'm on armbian 5.38 jessie (orange pi) with dnsmasq updated by hand to v2.76
At the moment it is working fine.


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Installed it on my RPi3 running Raspbian Stretch.
Both my Domain Controllers (simple home setup) use it as their only forwarder.
Normally it's the Pi-hole running in a CentOS VM.

No weird issues so far. Feels faster resolving wise, so that's good :slight_smile:


10 posts were split to a new topic: Unexpected version of dnsmasq on Raspbian Jessie

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Setting DNS cache limit with FTLDNS

4 posts were split to a new topic: Clients over time doesn’t update, just sits there with the spinnins

works like a charm. have to play around with up and downgrade-procedure but.... nothin. :smile:
clean and small - like it!


So far the beta version works fine on my Pi.

It even solves the bug between dnsmasq < 2.78 and DNScrypt-proxy (see here), so I can use FTLDNS with DNSSec enabled on Pi side (which is not possible with the "master" branch), perfect !


2 posts were split to a new topic: pihole-FTL is working, but webmin says the service is not running