Help Please!

According to quick google research, it should be

Internet -> and scroll down for Domain Name Server (DNS) Address.

it's a different setting than "Dynamic DNS"

bingo,,, that's exactly what you want to change

Google's dns server addresses are


if you set these, you will no longer be using somebody else's Pi-hole

So I switched it to and 2nd to Thanks it

So did the tech install anything on my computer? Since I do not have Linux on here? Or did he just redirect me to a different DNS? that blocked it all? I mean is it worth him coming back out here to fix whatever he did? Thanks for your assistance

he didn't actually install anything on your computer, he adjusted your routers DNS settings to direct all traffic to an open Pi-hole.

You have just repaired the damage done.

I'm sorry your first experience with Pi-hole wasn't the best.

Maybe someday you'll look at Pi-hole on your own terms.

Edit: What he did on your router, is very odd for a ISP technician to do.

Agreed, he did allot to it, he went ahead and updated the firmware to my router, motherboard, and SSD drive. After that my computer failed to post, 10 years I have had this computer that I built and never once did it not post. After that they Tech spent hours trying to get it to work and boot, I ended up asking him to leave and the best he got was Safe Mode. So after he left I went into Safe Mode, did the MSCONFIG and switched the boot up and it booted fine.. He even had the said of my case open blowing air in it to clear the dust, kept pressing the CMOs button to clear it and nothing worked... Ugh I was soooo mad at the time... Thanks for your help, all of you guys for your assistance.