Getting Load issue in pihole running in VM when different instance of pihole in pizero does not have this issue

The issue I am facing:

Details about my system:
Is this ignorable warning or something needs to be done ?

What I have changed since installing Pi-hole:
Nothing just started pihole using docker-compose.

Use search function this error message has come up at least twice IIRC. IIRC it wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

(If I am incorrect about this being discussed before then my apologies)

It looks like the specific error message has been removed from the page in the link

This is an information warning to tell you that in the past 15 minutes, the system was heavily loaded. In most cases, this is not due to Pi-hole, but due to other system processes.

Pi-hole is very lightweight on resources. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you should run Pi-hole on a server that is otherwise extremely busy as queuing on the system can lead to unecessary delays in DNS operation as the system becomes less and less usable as the system load increases because all resources are permanently in use. To account for this, FTL regularly checks the system load. To bring this to your attention, FTL warns about excessive load when the 15 minute system load average exceeds the number of cores.

This check can be disabled with this setting.

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