FTLDNS/dnsmasq unknown user or group

I'm trying to set up a standalone DNSFTL binary in a Docker scratch container. I've copied the required libraries in and mounted the required configs. DNSFTL does load up, but I'm getting an error:

dnsmasq: unknown user or group: scus

My Docker file:

FROM alpine:latest
RUN adduser --disabled-password --no-create-home scus scus

FROM scratch
COPY pihole-FTL /
COPY . /
COPY --from=0 /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
COPY --from=0 /etc/group /etc/group
USER scus
ENTRYPOINT ["/pihole-FTL"]

My dnsmasq.conf:


The passwd and group files are present in container.
When I switch the image to Ubuntu or Debian FTLDNS loads up correctly.

I've narrowed down the dnsmasq code to this section in dnsmasq.c:

  if (daemon->username && !(ent_pw = getpwnam(daemon->username)))
    baduser = daemon->username;
  else if (daemon->groupname && !(gp = getgrnam(daemon->groupname)))
    baduser = daemon->groupname;

  if (baduser)
    die(_("unknown user or group: %s"), baduser, EC_BADCONF);

Only thing I can think of is whether the functions getpwnam and getgrnam aren't functioning correctly with the copied passwd and group files. I understand Docker base images to just contain files from the particular OS so it shouldn't affect system calls?

I've really no idea how I can sort this. I don't want to modify the code because I need to be able to reliably update the binary.

Would greatly appreciate any help on this. Thanks.

Why this option as opposed to a full Pi-hole install?

I have a Pihole container for each VLAN all using pretty much the same config, so I have to change each Pihole configuration whenever I make a change to one (and updates etc). Instead I'm looking to centrally manage this configuration (by means of a Pihole installation on the host) and then mount the relevant files to each FTLDNS container.

I'm using the scratch base to reduce the attack surface of each container, and to limit attacker operations if the FTLDNS process is successfully attacked.

I seem to have found the solution to this problem:

To try and debug the error, I took some sample code from getpwnam(3) - Linux manual page (man7.org) and ran it in an Alpine container (I was getting the same error in Alpine containers). The code gave me the error no such file or directory. I searched and came across [c - Checking username: getpwnam / getpwnam_r: No such file or directory - Stack Overflow](c - Checking username: getpwnam / getpwnam_r: No such file or directory - Stack Overflow, which corrected the error for me (both in the Alpine and scratch containers).

Hopefully this can help anyone experiencing the same issues!

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