FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 variable no longer being used in v6?

After going through the upgrade process from v5 to v6 (modifying my compose file), I notice this line in the container logs:

WARNING: [?] FTLCONF_LOCAL_IPV4 is unknown, did you mean any of these?

Is this something that was removed that I no longer need? Or maybe it has been replaced with something else?
I had the value set to the host machine static IP address. I can't recall why since I have had the compose file around for a long time.

I suspect this could be a similar issue I'm facing here? pihole 6 replies to its own hostname with

From some digging around it sounds like previously setting that option would have also been the fix for my issue but that's gone now according to Upgrading from v5.x - Pi-hole documentation ( FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4 would have been similar it sounds like?)

All old variables were removed or renamed.

This is the docker migration page from our Documentation:

I'm not sure what each of you are trying to achieve, but maybe this variable would do what you want:

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Well, check my post in pihole 6 replies to its own hostname with

My issue is/was that pihole just responds with to requests to its own hostname when running in docker at least. FTLCONF_dns_reply_host_IPv4 looks like it's what I need, thanks.

All old variables were removed or renamed.

Yea I saw that when I upgraded but I didn't see that variable in the list. That is why I'm wondering what functionality that actually did and if its ok to just remove it.