FTL not running

I'm having this problem on the web panel as well. For a few minutes stats were showing (but still was saying FTL offline) now everything is gone, tried also on new install. How can I debug it? I have the feeling it may be a permission thing since even though it says it's offline it's actually blocking ads. Looks like it's just the web panel that can't read the data from FTL.

Debian 10 buster with sysv init and in chroot environment (under Android)

Please upload a debug log and post just the token generated by

pihole -d

allowing to upload when prompted, or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

There you go: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/bq4hzvve0q

Thank you for having split the message in a thread

Your debug log shows that Pi-hole is working properly:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Name resolution (IPv4) using a random blocked domain and a known ad-serving domain
[✓] www.paribas-planet-logowanie.at is via localhost (
[✓] www.paribas-planet-logowanie.at is via Pi-hole (
[✓] doubleclick.com is via a remote, public DNS server (

Let's take a look at the activity for the past 24 hours. What is the output of the following from the Pi terminal:

echo ">stats >quit" | nc localhost 4711

Sorry for the picture for showing the data but Im on a different device and it was the easiest way of doing it

Apparently everything works, but the frontend web panel can't load stats and it's red circle on "ftl offline" . Load circle is green. Memory usage is green. Active is green .

The machine is fresh since I'm dedicating it for pihole. Could it be a permission problems ? Maybe that's why the frontend can't show FLT data ?

That's quite the shoehorn. You've removed systemd from Buster and then somehow have Android jailing the whole thing?

Systemd may be the problem since I'm under chroot.
If I run systemd I get the output "trying to run as user instance but the system has not been booted with systemd".

So that's why I run the services like this: sudo /etc/init.d/lighttpd [action]
Could it be that lighttpd tries to read the values from FTL using systemd and but can't execute the command?

What does systemd do that can't be done in other ways?

An interesting thing and it's also what makes me think that the solution is under my nose (and if we solve this it means that this project works well even with Chroot environments) is that in a previous install for a few minutes it worked kind of "as intended" and stats were showing: Screenshot-2020-12-13-at-17-42-10 — ImgBB here you can see stats but FTL Offline. Even though ads were getting blocked correctly.

Do you have some supposition on what could it be and how I could change to make it work? On raspberry it works, I'd like to increase the target device because I'm sure there's lots of people wanting this with lots of old phones dying somewhere in their houses.

BTW if you agree, as soon as we find a solution I'll release the .img of this preinstalled vm so that it might be useful to other people that could import it for using it.

Not really, removing the default init system from a distribution is not something I'm going to spend the time chasing down.

If you get it working then we'll take a look. For now I don't think we'd be allowing a third party image to be distributed with Pi-hole granting it a license to do so.


While that is a noble thought and generally a good thing, I don't think running a vital network daemon like DNS on dying hardware is going to ever be a good idea. No DNS means effectively no internet.

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