FTL issues as well and it’s disconnecting or not allowing me to look at my query log

I'm going to jump in here too. I'm getting FTL issues as well and it's disconnecting or not allowing me to look at my query log.

Here is my degug token in case you want to check it out - jyuacz7mq8

I've also just run the reconfiguration and still running into the same issue.


@steffens and @Firemanjoe: Run pihole -d for a new debug token. I was on vacation for awhile, and the rest of the team has also been busy working on getting the next update out the door.

ko39c20gbk - updated - thanks! :slight_smile:

I don't see anything in your pihole-FTL.log; it seems to be totally empty. What happens when you

sudo service pihole-FTL start

I've done this before and I need to use the restart command. But I loose connection again within the next 24hrs usually.

Can you send us your full pihole-FTL.log?

cat /var/log/pihole-FTL.log | pihole tricorder



Nothing out of the ordinary. Your log was quite short and uneventful. Send us the log again just before and/or after it crashes.

it would be short because I just "turned it on" again earlier; however, I will send you the after it crashes part as the before could be difficult. But I can certainly send it to you in the morning (like 10hrs) if it's still up and hopefully it'll have something more in there.

That should be good enough. Thanks!

My pleasure! Thanks again for the help! :slight_smile:

OK, my FTL is back off line and I'm trying to send the log via the way you mentioned above and it's telling me to use netcat. I tried using that and I'm not getting anything.

Not sure what's going on now and I don't want to restart it just yet.

Can you let me know what I should try next?

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First, can you just paste the log to me in a PM? I think that's a bug with our script.

Can you also let me know what flavor(s) of netcat you have installed to your system?

I'll send you a PM momentarily; however, I also have no idea how to determine what I have installed for netcat.

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I can help with this once I see your debug log.

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Perfect! it's in your inbox! :slight_smile:

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Are you beta testing FTLDNS?

Sorry, just seeing this - no I'm not beta testing....

Also, it's offline again... so after 3 days... give or take?

Also, I can't pull the log since it's offline.

What happens when:

service pihole-FTL start

Yes, when run that it starts up normal

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