I run freeBSD in my environment and would love to be able to run Pi-Hole on those systems. Additionally as freeBSD is used for many NAS devices, Firewalls (PfSense), and other network gear, I think tit would be a natural addition to the potential install base. Having Pi-Hole as an available package for a PfSense Firewall would bring native Pi-Hole functionality to many organizations which utilize that technology.
Here is a reference guide for how initialization works in freeBSD. It isn't SysV so there are some fairly solid differences in the approach, but the concept appears to be the same. https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/articles/rc-scripting/
pfSense already have a more capable package named pfBlockerNG;
anything is developed for "pfSense" if it is not reviewed and approved by pfSense developers then it is security risk for a firewall and will not be available for normal install.
just install pfBlockerNG from: System \ Package Manager \ Available Packages
Adding support via a package for pfSense would be awesome, pfBlockerNG is something different. Way more elaborate, too many settings and options IMHO. Plus, using IOS and MacOs with Safari results in a lot of certificate errors while browsing.
A pfSense package would be great, because, no Pi or another (dedicated) device is needed. Any integration is welcome. Maybe a graph/summary on the pfSense dashboard. Added bonus is that the Pi-Hole package can utilize the Unbound DNS Resolver.
I would love to see Freebsd support. Currently have a debian VM on my Freenas running just for pihole but would love to run in a native freebsd jail instead.
Lack of FreeBSD support is a shame. PiHole seams to be perfect software to run in a jail in NAS server. It uses tiny resources and does not have much overhead this way. Otherwise either separate hardware must be used or some heavy VM with full linux OS.