Appreciate your work, but again, just like the new/mac-clients
, the new/super-clients
branch doesn't solve my, and I assume other users, problem.
You're always assuming that arp -a
and / or ip neigh
(the equivalent code in pihole-FTL) is able to figure out the MAC address of the clients. My pi is isolated on a separated physical network, and doesn't see anything but the router/firewall (4 port) interface.
I assume neither branches will solve this problem, unless you claim this to be otherwise.
One of the reasons my dashboard, query log and long term data views are a total mess is, as explained earlier here (but that topic unfortunately turned into a FTL problem and fix) is, again I assume, the missing data in the pihole-FTL database
FTL sees, and ads the clients to the network table, but fails to update the name field, example screenshot below
FTL sometimes inserts the hostname into the database, but often fails to enter this info, even if the data is available (separate configuration file, added to dnsmasq). If that field contains a value, the dashboard and the query log display the correct info (hostname) after a while, if the field is (remains) blank, the query log displays the ipv6 address, all different because of the windows 10 privacy extensions ( all the IPs in the screenshot are from a single client, db up and running (new v5.1.2) for almost 2 days)
currently, I'm investigating a safe way to inject the names my self, that is one of the reasons I asked for a version indication in pihole-FTL.db,