Find blacklist entries by date?

When viewing my blacklist, the entries are sorted alphabetically.

As I add blacklist entries, if unexpected behaviour occurs I want to troubleshoot by removing blacklist entries most recently entered. I could keep notes about entries and when they were entered, but if there was a way to sort the blacklist by date added that would be more convenient.

If you open file /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt, the lines appear in the order they were added - newest at the end.

Great! Thanks!

Is this file actually read by the application, or is it just a log file? In other words, if I want to remove all my blacklist entries to see if a problem goes away or not, can I rename the file (or copy it and create a new empty file)? Then, if I still have a problem I know it's not in my blacklist and I can put the original file back into place.

BTW, I REALLY love Pi-hole! I just installed it a few days ago, first in a VM to test it out and then on an actual RPi (Model 3B). I had set this up to monitor and control my hydronics (solar hot water heat) system which heats my greenhouse and provides house hot water heating. I'm connecting to it via WiFi and it is now also running Pi-hole.
My wife and I have disabled our ad blocker plugins in our browsers. Our internet response times have definitely improved. I also identified a rogue application on my wife's cell phone that was generating way too much traffic.

Additionally, I am seeing a LOT of internet requests from our weather station (which reports to Wunderground), of all things. Who would have thunk it :smile: I'm looking into how to reduce that traffic also.

Thank You!

The file is a text file. It is read by Pi-Hole while updating gravity.

Yes. And then rebuild gravity with pihole -g

The weather station syncs it's data with Wunderground, so this traffic may not be abnormal.

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