/etc/dnsmasq.d/* is disabled after upgrading to v6

After upgrading to v6 (docker), I noticed my client received the pihole docker network address as the DNS server due to a dhcp-helper in my setup. After troubleshooting, I found that dhcp-option=option:dns-server,192.168.x.x was ignored.

A quick look at pihole.toml led me to this post for a solution

Is there another way to pass this option, or do we need to manually re-enable it and leave it ?


You have some options.

  1. add an environment variable (FTLCONF_misc.dnsmasq_d) to your compose file, to enable this option;
  2. start the container without it and execute the command from the other post to enable misc.etc_dnsmasq_d;
  3. start the container without it and use the web interface to enable the misc.etc_dnsmasq_d option (see image - left side);
  4. don't use misc.etc_dnsmasq_d option and don't use a volume external files for dnsmasq.
    In v6, you can enter dnsmasq options via Web Interface using the new misc.dnsmasq_lines (see image - right side).

Settings > All settings page - Miscellaneous tab:

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I later learned more about it, but thanks for taking the time to answer!