Error while trying to edit/deleting group

I run the latest versions 6.0 beta version in a docker container.
I have a problem when trying to edit or delete one of the groups. The group is called Samsung A54.
When trying to edit the group name i get the following error: Spaces, newlines and tabs are not allowed in domains and URLs
Samsung A54

When i try to delete the group i get this error: Could not remove entries from table
FOREIGN KEY constraint failed

Editing of deleting other groups gives no error.
Could you help me out?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Relevant versions:
Core vDev (development, 6b423f53)
FTL vDev (development, c71c5273)
Web interface vDev (development, 47e977a2)

First I have one question to understand how this happened:

How did you create a group name with spaces?

I tried to create a group called "Group with spaces" via web interface, but the attempt resulted in 3 different groups: Group, with and spaces.

Probably, not sure.

I just now tried with "test group" which indeed resulted in 2 groups called test and group.
But i was able to edit/delete both


I was able to create a group without spaces and then edit the name to include spaces, but I have no issues editing or deleting this groups. Apparently you have a different and unexpected issue.

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

I entered pihole -d command in terminal, get a long text but cant find token url :thinking:

get a long text but cant find token url

When the "long text" is finished, did you see this question?


   * The debug log can be uploaded to for sharing with developers only.

[?] Would you like to upload the log? [y/N] 

Please answer Y and wait for the token.

No, i get this.


  • The debug log can be uploaded to for sharing with developers only.
* Log will NOT be uploaded to tricorder.
* A local copy of the debug log can be found at: /var/log/pihole/pihole_debug.log

That message indicates that you didn't reply with Y when asked whether you would like to upload the log.

I never got that question.
is this because i run pihole in a docker container and not natively in raspberry pi os?

I did however copy the log output i got on my screen.

How are you running pihole -d? If you do not use an interactive session then you will not get the option. You can do a pihole -d -a for an automated debug run with uploading enabled.

I have the same error if i delete a group (groupname without spaces).

My system:

  • Docker Tag nightly
  • Core vDev (development, 03932e8c)
  • FTL vDev (development, 84780798)
  • Web interface vDev (development, 9f9c26c5)

I create a debug log

Because i run pihole in docker i use the command docker exec pihole pihole -d

The run the command I showed above or add -it to your docker exec for an interactive terminal.

docker exec -it pihole pihole -d or docker exec pihole pihole -d -a

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workded :slight_smile:

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I still have this problem.
Seems to happen when i add a group and later edit the group name inserting a space.
After that i get the errors.

We are actually working on this issue.

Sorry for this having been overseen for so long. At the very least, I was just able to follow your instructions (create group a, then edit spaces into the name like Galaxy A53 and then try to e.g., disable the group) and can confirm this behavior:

This is a small bug in the API code processing PUT /api/groups and should be fixed by

Fixing being able to add groups with spaces in the very first place (enclosed in quotes) will be done by

The first of the two fixes has been merged into development

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Fix works, i love you guys :slight_smile:

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