Error: update FTL from 5.3.2 to 5.3.2 failed because of not found file

Error: update FTL from 5.3.2 to 5.3.2 failed because of not found file

Update Pi-hole Core/Web worked fine today: both up to 5.2.2 - thanks.

Pi-Hole_FTP_20201229.txt (3.2 KB)

Don't run pihole -up inside the container. Pull the new image.

Thank you.
It worked by simply re-running "pihole -up". Now the image have been pulled.

Most probably the reason was an OpenSSL error during first try, quoted:
curl: (56) OpenSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 104

Don't run pihole -up in the docker container. That is a bad thing to do and shouldn't even be possible.

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I red some documentation about docker container.
I had not run pihole -up in a container, but I misplaced my first message in the wrong topic. I am sorry about that. Thanks to @DanShaper

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