Error: Unable to get latest release location from GitHub

Excellent -following your instructions did the trick EXACTLY for me. Bravo, sir (or ma'am). I am now updated and on latest version!

This may be a bit off-topic, but I; a gonna ask: Is there any reason for us on Jessie to upgrade to latest OS? Are there any real enhancements for us running pihole? That would require a complete wipe and update, right, for there is no way to upgrade an OS image other than install?

I only ask because of the problem we had in this thread. Thank you, Developers!!!

Here's some information on updating to Stretch (a reflash is not necessarily required): Raspbian Stretch has arrived for Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi

Unless there's a reason to stay on Jessie, you should update to Stretch.

Dont' know about enhancements other than the better logging via the new dnsmasq version.

I did the update (jessie -> stretch) yesterday without wiping the os.
There are a few sites that describe easy approaches to update to the newest version without wiping, including the official

However I'd strongly advise to backup your current system before doing the upgrade as there's always a chance for distribution upgrades to crash and leave the system unusable.

For all changes that come with stretch please refer to the official Debian notes.

Edit: Sorry Mcat12 was faster than me.

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