Installation went fine, and everything seems to work properly, except for the Group Management area. If I try to change anything relating to a group or client or domain, I get a message: "Error, something went wrong! While executing: attempt to write a readonly database."
To make sure this wasn't related to something I'd done to my install (I run an Nginx reverse proxy in front of it), I uninstalled Pihole completely, then reinstalled the latest stable version, then upgraded to the beta over the top. It still does it. Any ideas?
UPDATE: Actually, I also can’t add domains to the whitelist or to the blacklist. If I try, I get an error: “ Failure! Something went wrong, see output below: Error: attempt to write a readonly database, added 0 domains.” And nothing on my whitelist seems to have come over during the upgrade. But I can add custom DNS entries.
Okay, so it seems you are both running non-standard configurations. Both times, your web server user is lacking group membership in the group pihole.
Not sure which user your web servers are running as (typical for lighttpd is www-data). Try to find out which is the correct web server user and add it to group pihole. Thereafter, restart your web server and try again. If this is not sufficient to communicate the new group membership (it should be), you might have to restart your system.
As you suggested, I added user www-data to group pi-hole and rebooted the Pi (rebooting the service didn't do anything). Now, I can use the tools in Group Management.
I can also add domains to the whitelist. But . . . for some reason, the whitelist doesn't show me the items that are on it, and even when it works, it gives me "Failure!" messages. If I try to add a new item that I know is not on the list, it says the following:
UPDATE: I cleared the cache in my browser, and everything showed up as expected. Thanks! UPDATE 2: I said in an earlier post that the entries from my previous install had not migrated. This was incorrect. They just weren't showing up until this issue was resolved.
This worked. I am using lighttpd. For those with a similar issue. I checked to see which users existed, as @DL6ER said the default user for lighttpd is www-data. I confimed by checking the /etc/passwd file that the user existed and added the user to the pihole group.
usermod -a -G pihole www-data
^^ will add the pihole group to the www-data user. You will need to use this command with an elevated account or with sudo.