March 22, 2018, 2:32am
Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!
Error during installation
bash: syntax error: unexpected "("
curl: (23) Failed writing body (758 != 2759)
Debug Token:
Iam a novise who is trying to learn about this stuff, any help would be greatly appreciated.
March 22, 2018, 11:16am
You can‘t install Pi-hole on a Mac, macOS is not supported.
See here
This is a historical document and left for archival purposes. For up to date information please use https://docs.pi-hole.net/
The Installer
Our intelligent installer is tailored to installations at home and behind firewalls. If you are installing Pi-hole in an environment beyond that scope, you will need to take extra security measures when installing it.
Pi-hole is very lightweight as it only handles DNS queries and returns a blank HTML file so it doesn't n…
Sorry, to clarify, I am using my Mac terminal window and accessing my ASUS RT-AC89U router on which I have a USB drive with a 1GB Ext2 partition. That is where the problem is arising, when I run this command there this is the error I am getting. Thank you. Apologies for the lack of information.
March 22, 2018, 7:20pm
So your plan is to install Pi-hole on your router?
Yes Sir, that is what I am trying to do. I am running that command line like so
ASUSWRT-Merlin RT-AC86U 384.3-0 Tue Feb 13 21:10:35 UTC 2018
admin@RT-AC86U-48D8:/tmp/home/root# curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
bash: syntax error: unexpected "("
curl: (23) Failed writing body (758 != 2759)
admin@RT-AC86U-48D8:/tmp/home/root# bash: syntax error: unexpected "("
-sh: bash:: not found
March 24, 2018, 12:27am
See the hardware and software requirements. Pi-hole is not made to work on routers.
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April 14, 2018, 12:27am
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