Error in cloning into /etc/.pihole

Hi, I'm trying to install pihole on a raspberry pi.
The starting installation comes from an octoprintimage (based on a raspbian buster).
I've already installed pihole on a clean raspbian on a pizero and I didn't faced this problems.

I've created an user in sudoers, and launched:

 curl -sSL | sudo bash

But it shows this error:

Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support

I've then tried with -x option:

 curl -sSL | sudo bash -x 

And the problem seems to be related to cloning the into /etc/.pihole.

I've then tried running the installer using root user, root check pass obviously, but the problem arises again.

I've then tried cloning manually the repo, it works, but then when trying the installer again, this time it complains about the repo already existing.

Any suggestion?

Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support

Shows only there was an error, but not exactly what was the error.
It could be a temporary connection error, it could be a permission error, it could be many things...

What error message did you actually see?

I've found the solution, probably it was due to a system configuration.

git could'nt be run as root, it was giving in output a message to remove /root/bin/git for permitting it.

After removing that file the installation gone right.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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