Encountered non-critical SQL warnings

Update pushed to remove the double output.


Most users will NOT even notice the errors, they install and forget, maybe add some lists, but as long as the count (blocked domains) is high enough, they probably never complain.

Thanks again, for your time and effort, have a good night sleep.

P.S. the audit problem (this topic) appears to be solved.

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Calm down and touch base, guys - you are sharing the same goal here.
We all are.
I am well aware of the effort you put into testing, @jpgpi250, as well as of the amount of work and diligence you bring to this, DanSchaper and DL6ER, and the unfaltering support @jfb is bringing to this forums, and many others not mentioned here - and I guess so is anyone of us.

Seems we are just struggling for the best way to do it.

I'd be willing to lend a hand, by my coding days are well a decade behind me, and they did involve obscure languages no-one ever uses nowadays.

P.S.: Why can I only @ two users in a post???


If this is the case then it wouldn't then be possible to flag "bad" lists because of the way you are pre-parsing them to a single file (if I'm understanding this correctly) Bad lists could taint the good one's via this method...

We all read the posts, there's really no need to ping us and email/page/alert us and other users. And no need to @ more than 2 people in a post.

output now looks like this:

  [✓] Storing downloaded domains in new gravity database
  Encountered non-critical SQL warnings. Please check the suitability of the lists you're using!

  SQL warnings:
  - /tmp/tmp.iJvu6p46n0.gravity:1868666: expected 2 columns but found 3 - extras ignored
    Line contains: denizbank-balbey.subesi.tc,,34

  [✓] Building tree

This provides enough information to solve the problem.

Thanks again.



  Encountered non-critical SQL warnings. Please check the suitability of the lists you're using!

  SQL warnings:
  - /tmp/tmp.iJvu6p46n0.gravity:1868666: expected 2 columns but found 3 - extras ignored
    Line contains: denizbank-balbey.subesi.tc,,34


sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db "SELECT address FROM adlist WHERE id =34;"




That's not one of the lists I loaded, but the trailing "," is a problem. I would reject that list entirely. Then, when the list is cleaned up, it will all be imported again.

Send a message to Wally3K, hoping he'll fix it. It is the only error I've got, otherwise, I wouldn't even have noticed the fact that pihole -g now reports these errors, the entire discussion would never have happened...

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Why, it's not his list. Try GitHub - HorusTeknoloji/TR-PhishingList: TĂŒrkiye'ye Yönelik Zararlı Bağlantı EriƟim Engelleme Listesi

It has some other errors in it as well. Probably should be reviewed for continued use.


I sent the list maintainer feedback on that line item.

Add the other domains I've noted in the edit.

The list doesn't have any contact information. I hope that Wally3K has contact information for the lists he recommends, using his php page

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From the referenced Github page, in the Readme section, contact information:


For your questions, comments and suggestions: destek@horus.com.tr

It's a github URL, what more do you need?

Edit: PR in the change you want to see in the world.

I'll admit, that I have no clue on how to make a PR. DL6ER once asked me to submit a change in the pihole documentation for unbound, I've searched for a beginners manual (step by step) on how to do this, but didn't find one. I don't want to add or change the work of other people, until I know exactly how to do it the correct way.

I was looking at the RAW blocklist, also have no clue on how to get from RAW to regular view (which usually has a readme).

Apologies for my ignorance, also sorry that I'm causing so much trouble (annoy you)...

Anything that has the URL raw.githubusercontent.com is accessible as github.com.

http://raw.githubusercontent.com/HorusTeknoloji/TR-PhishingList/master/url-lists.txt is the same as GitHub - HorusTeknoloji/TR-PhishingList: TĂŒrkiye'ye Yönelik Zararlı Bağlantı EriƟim Engelleme Listesi

I don't mind helping out users but you have to, at some point, start helping yourself and stop relying on others to do it all for you.

Edit: And to belabor the point, you should know exactly where to find the domain lists you are using. Do not just blindly rely on others to do the thinking for you. Adding in data you have no clue about is not smart for DNS.

The only way to learn is to do it, do it wrong, have others teach you how to do it right and then do it right. You're not going to learn to do it right the first time. No one can do that.

I've never worked with Git before either, but this looks like a good place to start...? https://help.github.com/en/desktop/contributing-to-projects

Edit: actually a Google search looks to have many howto's and Youtube video's on the matter

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