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Generated Wed 7:36 PM, Jan 25 by Pi-hole v2.11.2
I checked the domain using pihole -q findpaidfocusgroup.com and verified its in the lists above. I then whitelisted findpaidfocusgroup.com via the web interface and refreshed the offending page. No change. Still blocked. Same message. Am I missing a step to whitelist? Thank you.
Since some domains use different IP addresses for www.domain.com versus domain.com just whitelisting one will not whitelist the other. Until the whitelist wildcarding is implemented you need to whitelist both versions, the www. and plain domain. So try adding www.findpaidfocusgroup.com to the whitelist and see what happens.
The other option is to use the web interface and look for the domains that show in red and are blocked and add to the whitelist in that way.
Thank you DanSchaper! Your first solution worked perfectly. However, I don't quite understand the second. How do I use the web interface to look for red domains? Thanks!
If you bring up the Admin web interface, and then click on the Query Log icon in the left hand list, you'll bring up the log view. In that view you can see domains that were allowed/blocked and you can whitelist/blacklist the required domains from there. The web interface has a lot of functionality when you get in to the settings and views.
Another possible reason for this is that you didn't wait for the DNS changes to make their way to your computer. Most devices cache DNS responses for a few minutes, which means that DNS changes will never be instantaneous.