Domain address is not allowed on blacklist?

Hello all!

I am manually adding YouTube addresses to the blacklist, to help notch some of the ads. The following address is said to be invalid to PiHole for invalid characters, though it is not clear why.

However, the following address is valid and allowed:

My install is Pi-hole 5.12 on Windows10 using the "Pi-Hole for WSL1" install found on Github.

Thanks in advance for any pointers or help!

This does not happen on the current development branch and was likely fixed by Do not apply IDNA conversion to RegEx domains by yubiuser · Pull Request #2336 · pi-hole/AdminLTE · GitHub

We preparing a new release quite soon, so please get back to us if it does not work after the next update.

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Thanks for the quick response!! I will keep an eye out for the next release and will report back if the problem still persists.


You will find this is a fruitless endeavor.


You will find this is a fruitless endeavor.


Perhaps :wink:, but I am seeing some positive impact already of manually adding ad links to the blacklist. If I can get to give me even 10% fewer political ads, it will be worth it!! :smiley:

Hi yubiuser ,

I updated my Pi-hole with the latest release, and I am still seeing the issue. However, I did find that I could add the offending address to the 'Adlist group management' list, but I could not add it to the 'Domain management' as a Blacklist entry. Hope this detail will help narrow down the issue.

Pi-hole v5.12.1
FTL v5.18
Web Interface v5.15


The fix is only in our development branch. This will be included in our next release.

If you would like to see the fix or use it now, you can check out the development branch:

pihole checkout dev

To go back to master branch,

pihole checkout master

I looked at the code again and the reason it fails is

chrko@ThinkPad-X230:~$ dig
dig: '' is not a legal IDNA2008 name (string contains forbidden two hyphens pattern), use +noidnin

We convert all domains to punycode because this is how they would be request from clients (think of something like tä

As this domain is not a legal IDNA, the conversion fails and the domain is not added.

Did you see a request for

Found it:

The Unicode string MUST NOT contain "--" (two consecutive hyphens) in
the third and fourth character positions and MUST NOT start or end
with a "-" (hyphen).

Hi yubiuser,

Thanks for all the details. Yes, I am seeing many 'r#---sn-" requests from YouTube, about 10-20/hour while viewing videos.

The workaround has been to add a regex expression to filter these sites:


So far, this seems to be working fine (i.e not blocking videos, just specific ads).

I will look into updating to the development branch, but for right now, I think the regex is doing what I need.

Thanks again for your time!

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