Docker pihole/pihole:latest -> v5.4 not starting

After an update via latest and watchtower from v5.3.4 to v5.4 Pi-hole did not start anymore.

Checking the logfile there is a startup loop, because of the following during Startup checks:

iproute2 and iproute packages were not found in APT repository

After reverting back to v5.3.4 everything is working again.


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Did you use the latest tag or v5.4 tag?

I used to use latest and had now to manually use v5.3.4, to pull the version before, which is working.

It's a better idea to use pinned versions and not the latest tag. Mostly for things like this but it's still a better practice to not use latest.

What OS is docker running on?

Hi Dan, I am using dietpi arm 64bit which is based on Debian Buster (10.7) arm 64bit on a raspi3.


Same behavior here on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Same behavior with Pi-hole running in a docker container on a Raspberry Pi4 with Ubuntu 20.04

See here how to fix it

:white_check_mark: :+1: thx, that fixed my problem!

I had a read-only mount on /etc/resolv.conf
with the first entry: nameserver

changing that to another public DNS or my routers DNS fixed the aborting.

many thx Dan and yubiuser!


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