Docker Pi-hole : using cloudflared DNS over HTTPS (DoH)

The issue I am facing:
I want to implement DoH whilst using Docker Pi-hole.
I have found instructions here:
but I do not know if they are compatible with Docker Pi-hole.
There doesn't seem to be reference to using cloudflared on a Docker Pi-hole configuration?

Details about my system:
Raspberry Pi Model 2 running Raspbian OS 2021-03-04-raspios-buster-armhf
Linux pi2docker 5.10.17-v7+ #1403 SMP Mon Feb 22 11:29:51 GMT 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux

What I have changed since installing Pi-hole:
Nothing, I just want to know how to implement DoH in conjunction with Docker Pi-hole please.

The necessary configuration in Pi-hole comes down to limiting its upstream DNS configuration to cloudflared's IP address.

The IP address had to be adopted as required, to one that is reachable for Pi-hole's container. Depending on your specific setup, that would be the IP of the machine that is running cloudflared.

Take a look at this article, it's a simple configuration of DNScrypt and Pi-hole with docker. DNScrypt proxy is very stable and allows you to choose from any DoH or encrypted DNS providers for upstream services. I would replace the Docker Starter utility and look at Portainer as a good management component once you have it set up.

Hello RonV42, thanks a lot for this information, and for linking to the tutorial, much appreciated.
I have been following it, but I get stuck because there seems to be a step missing...? Essentially, at the dnscrypt-proxy section, you do step 1 (create the directory), then step 2 (change permissions on the directory), then step 3 ("Copy your dnscrypt-proxy.toml configuration file") ====> I don't have this .toml configuration file, where do I get it....?

At a guess, am I to use one like this...?

Please can you advise as it's impossible to proceed without having this file. Thank you!

Here is the latest version of the example toml file from GitHub I downloaded one of the zipped distributions and the toml file was in there. Here is the linkt to git hub:

Release 2.0.45 · DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-proxy · GitHub

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