I got a DNSMASQ_WARN error on my Pi-hole. In principle it is solved by checking the option: Potentially dangerous options "allow all sources", right?

If I have not exposed pi-hole to the internet, nothing serious should happen, which I have not done as far as I know since it would be to put the Raspberry Pi IP with port 53 through the router or so I read on the internet.

I also don't understand why I get this error when I have never had large network jumps for it to occur, which apparently the error is when there are subnets or VPNs in your local network, which do not exist at all for now.

On the other hand, would exposing pi-hole to the internet allow it to be used as an ad blocker in some way?, another question that I don't know and I take advantage of the inertia of this post.

Thanks for a future clarification, for now I leave that option checked to rule out configuration errors.

It would probably help to know the exact error. DNSMASQ_WARN is just a category of messages; the text following that might provide more helpful information.

OK. Well, with the mention option, it disappears, but I can put it back to pass on more information.