DNS service not running

Hello. I have exactly the same error message as https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/pi-hole-dns-service-not-running/56756: red "DNS service not running" and "PHP error (2): fsockopen(): unable to connect to (Unknown error) in /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/FTL.php:47 ", though it seems that the problem is not with port 53. My Pihole is installed to an Android 4.0.4 smartphone, if it matters. I have tried a few fixes: https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/fixed-php-error-2-fsockopen-unable-to-connect-to-127-0-0-1-4711-connection-refused-in-var-www-html-admin-scripts-pi-hole-php-ftl-php-47/59325, https://www.reddit.com/r/HomeNetworking/comments/10odxwv/after_3_hours_i_fixed_php_error_2_fsockopen/ with no result. By the way, when I ssh into it it says "pi-hole blocking enabled" .

Here's my debug token:

How did you go about installing Pi-hole on your smartphone?

It does.

Your debug log would suggest that you run some kind of virtualisation software on Android, emulating CentOS 7:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Operating system
[i] dig return code:  0
[i] dig response:  "Raspbian=10,11 Ubuntu=20,22,23 Debian=10,11,12 Fedora=36,37,38 CentOS=8,9"
[✓] Distro:  Centos
[✗] Version: 7
[✗] Error: Centos is supported but version 7 is currently unsupported (https://docs.pi-hole.net/main/prerequisites/)

Neither CentOS 7 nor Android are on Pi-hole's list of supported OSs.

At the very least, your virtualised OS on Android would need to be supported by Pi-hole.

Even then - we've had few requests from attempts to install Pi-hole in a virtual environment on a smartphone, but I recall most of them failing in one way or another.

I used this guide: GitHub - DesktopECHO/Pi-hole-for-Android at legacy. TLDR: I used Linux Deploy (a program to run Linux distros in a container on Android) to install a pre-built image of a CentOS with Pi-hole set up already. I used the legacy version of the guide because the Linux Deploy devs have stopped supporting Android 4.x.

So you are running an unsupported client OS's image with an outdated Pi-hole version (also unsupported) on an unsupported host OS. :frowning:

Your best chance would be to get those image's maintainers involved for support.

Alternatively, you'd have to steer around all potential package issues yourself.

But I wouldn't like to encourage you going down that path, as Linux Deploy itself may not be a suitable platform for hosting Pi-hole virtually.
You may end up with a non-functional setup anyway.

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I will. Should I also repost this thread to the Community Help category?

Reposting isn't necessary - I've recategorised your topic instead. :wink:

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