DNS service not running

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

DNS service running

Actual Behaviour:

DNS Service not running. I using wsl ubuntu on windows 10

Debug Token:


Looking at your debug log, it seems you don't have a correctly configured gateway.


i using command ip -4 route | grep default it return:

You ran the ip -4 command on a machine called DESKTOP-N7AQISB. Is this the machine Pi-hole is installed on? If not, please run the command on the Pi-hole. If yes, please generate and upload another debug log.

DESKTOP-N7AQISB run Windows 10 so i can't run ip -4 command on this machine. i using ubuntu app on windows 10 to install pihole.

@DanSchaper @PromoFaux I'm completely unfamiliar with Windows. Is this even supported? Do you know of any installation under these circumstances that work?

It's not possible for Pi-hole to be installed in WSL. I had some success with WSL2 when I tried the preview, but that is not available generally yet.

Best bet for Windows would be to use the docker container.


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