Dns server ipv6 address

My router, Unifi USG Pro, doesn't hand out ULA addresses. Is there any reason to not use the link address (fe80::/10) for pi-hole instead of the global address? Are there any unwanted side effects using that address?


ULA is preferred since it won't change, hence the reason for the FAQ. If it did change, you could always run pihole -r to reconfigure it to the new address if need be.

Yes, you don't want it to change. That's why I'm asking about the link address, which in ipv6 is assigned by the host even if there is no connectivity and never changes. I'm wondering what side effects might be expecte4d because the link address isn't routable.


You need to have an address which all hosts can access. It will likely cause pages to load slowly because they are trying to connect to the address.

Link-address does work, but only in a local context (single LAN context) which for most home set-ups should suffice.

ULA also isn't routable (that's the point i guess :slight_smile: )

You CAN get a ubiquiti router to hand out ULA's by activating DHCP on the interface and handing out ULA addresses by hand. Easier might be to set a fixed EUI address on the LAN interface. that way you will always have a fixed address as long as the prefix doesn't change. The only difference between EUI and ULA is that ULA has a fixed prefix that never changes FDxx:xxxx:xxxx . EUI uses the external prefix. however, the client part will be the same whether ULA or EUI. So if you have a fixed prefix, it doesn't matter. Also with IPv6 you can have both, so nothing stopping you from assigning both EUI and ULA

Thanks. I'll stick with the link address for now. I've been trying to get my USG4P to do both RA and stateful DHCPv6 but have not been able to get it right, but that's a discussion for another forum. Thanks again for the support!

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