DNS Over HTTPS, Failed to connect to bus; No such file or directory

Good day!


Reporting my encountered issue in setting up DoH. I hope you can help me find out what's causing the hiccup of DoH setup and hopefully have it roll out successfully for which I eager.

I am at the last 2 steps of your guide DNS over HTTPS article/guide running through Portainer console as root@pihole, but when I executed this command, sudo systemctl start cloudflared it prompted me this message "Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory".

Tried to run this last command too (sudo systemctl status cloudflared) so I can check if cloudflared is already running but got the same system prompt.

Tried to run "which systemctl" it prompted me with this /bin/systemctl. Definitely systemctl is installed in its application.

Check the likeness of script vs your guide thru these commands
cat//etc/default/cloudflared, and
cat /etc/systemd/system/cloudflared.service
and everything are in order.

I am currently running pi-hole at synology docker but through macvlan.

Pihole server is running at this macvlan address:
While pihole bridge is at this address:

debug token: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/8vxfy2etut

As always, thank you! Keep safe.