DNS not resolving outside container


I am new to this. My setup is on
OS: MacOS Mojave 10.14.6.
Computer IP:


The docker doesnt resolve anything outside its own container. I am able to access the webpage and configure.

My startup command is
docker run -d
--name pihole
-p 53:53/udp
-p 53:53/tcp
-p 80:80/tcp
-p 67:67/udp
-p 67:67/tcp
-e ServerIP=
-e TZ=DE
-e DNS1=
-e DNS2=

Debug Token: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/453tk88uut

Any help be really appreciated.

Something weird I spotted in your debug is this variable...


Seems you don't have the docker restart parameter correctly separated from your DNSMASQ_LISTENING environment variable. That could break it.

Thank you dignic for pointing that out.. I have resolved it.. still no luck..
I have tried to do this on a Mac running Mac OS high Sierra. Same issue.

updated token:https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/cv272zhzjw

Sorry this trailed off, ran out of ideas. My only thought now is that it is a docker mac specific issue.

Cannot bind to port 53 for DNS with host network mode · Issue #15 · hashicorp/docker-consul · GitHub looks somewhat relevant for mac+port 53 docker forwarding issues.