DNS configuration for ADB Crow AX VP4412?

I have this router: ADB Crow AX VP4412.

I have attached the dhcp configuration menù.

Is there a way to see all ip address in query log changing some options? is Pi-Hole.


Perhaps, if that router supports configuring its DHCP server to distribute your Pi-hole host machine's IP.

You'd have to consult your router's documentation and support channels for those respective details.

Apparently you already configured your router to distribute Pi-hole as a name server.

Usually, after changing these router settings, you need to renew the DHCP leases on each device.

Already did. Inside Query Log I can see only one client: (my router).

Pi-Hole works but I can't see the clients ip.

Do you have a Windows, MacOS or Linux client to test?
If so, run below one on it and copy/paste the output to here pls?

nslookup pi.hole

It should show you what DNS server is addressed for that particular pi.hole query:

C:\>nslookup pi.hole
Server:  ph5a.home.dehakkelaar.nl

Name:    pi.hole

You can also run below one on the Pi-hole host to check what dns-server is/are advertised via DHCP:

pi@ph5b:~ $ pihole-FTL dhcp-discover
Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers

There should only be the Pi-hole IP for DNS and no others!

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