Distinguish ad blocking from privacy blocking

I have noticed that I have to whitelist some surprising things on occasion. For instance, pihole blocks information sent back to YouTube regarding my location in a video when I stop it. This bookmarking function is therefore broken by pihole- I'm not sure I understand why it would be blocked in the first place other than a slightly over-zealous privacy-motivated block list being included.

For that, and possibly other broken functionality in the same category, it would be useful if blocklists were separated for privacy motivations vs adblock motivations. People differ in preference of course, and mine may just be to not care about blocking any privacy and only block ads. I don't see a good way to do that as it stands right now. I suspect these lists, being external to pihole, make this feature request out of scope- but I wanted to make it anyway to get it on the record.

We don't create/moderate/enforce lists. You'll need to address this with the list creators.