Disabling pihole for some clients(with new group feature)

Expected Behaviour:

Standard behaviour of pihole for me, and disable it for others with CIDR

Actual Behaviour:

Tried to do CIDR where all is disabled, and i wrote my IP's(they're static). But it didn't work.

Debug Token:

(Maybe nothing helpful here for this situation, but anyway)


All my requests become allowed, so CIDR has more priority.
I can write all IP's in my network manually, but what if somebody has smart home system with dozens of wifi devices?

I recommend to add "everyone else" option for clients tab. Or just make CIDR less important than exact adresses. It will be useful for some cases.

Why do i need it: i just want to block useless services for me, they just suck all my confidential information(GAFAM). We can also make something like DNS firewall + adblocking (all in one) with it. Good option for small offices, for example.

And sorry for some grammar mistakes

Will be fixed in v5.1

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Your 'all users' group is superfluous. All users are assigned the 'default' blocking group anyway. Just migrate the contents from the default group to a new one.

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What were you intending to accomplish with this CIDR? It's not assigned to any group.

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Clients
   id    group_ids     ip                                                                                                    date_added           date_modified        comment                                           
   ----  ------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------------------------
   3                                                                                                 2020-05-23 22:45:23  2020-06-01 20:21:11  All users

Really? Solution is so simple.
Thanks, i will migrate gravity to other "galaxy"

I just found solutions for problems with DNS, "reconfigure your router", and bad configuration

And sorry for silly question. It maybe happened because i upgraded few weeks ago.

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