I've been toying with this a bit. I'm very much not a PHP developer and I'm unfamiliar with the codebase, but I have implemented a very barebones version.
Add checks in AdminLTE scripts/pi-hole/header.php for my new setup variable:
if(!$auth && (!isset($indexpage) || isset($_GET['login']) || $setupVars["STATS_HIDDEN_WITHOUT_AUTH"]))
$scriptname = "login";
// If auth is required and not set, i.e. no successfully logged in,
// we show the reduced version of the summary (index) page
if(!$auth && (!isset($indexpage) || isset($_GET['login']) || $setupVars["STATS_HIDDEN_WITHOUT_AUTH"])){
require "scripts/pi-hole/php/loginpage.php";
I'm not sure if there's a nicer way to implement this. Parsing the setupVars.conf file seems a bit overkill for what I'm doing, but it works. Again, I know nothing about PHP.
Two small additions in AdminLTE settings.php to add a button:
if (isset($setupVars["STATS_HIDDEN_WITHOUT_AUTH"])) {
$statshidden = $setupVars["STATS_HIDDEN_WITHOUT_AUTH"];
} else {
$statshidden = false;
<div class="form-group">
<div class="checkbox">
<label><input type="checkbox" name="statshidden" title="hide-stats"
<?php if ($statshidden){ ?>checked<?php }
?>>Hide all statistics until user logs in</label>
Run a script to save the user's settings in AdminLTE scripts/pi-hole/php/savesettings.php:
exec('sudo pihole -a statshidden true');
exec('sudo pihole -a statshidden false');
The change to setupVars.conf in Pi-hole advanced/Scripts/webpage.sh:
SetStatsHidden() {
if [[ "${args[2]}" == "true" ]]; then
change_setting "STATS_HIDDEN_WITHOUT_AUTH" "true"
elif [[ "${args[2]}" == "false" ]]; then
change_setting "STATS_HIDDEN_WITHOUT_AUTH" "false"
The new checkbox in the privacy settings:
When the checkbox is ticked and the user is logged out, the dashboard redirects to the login page. I feel fairly good about these changes except perhaps the fact that I need to parse setupVars.conf in the header script. If anyone could suggest a better solution, that would be nice.