I have Bell Home Hub 4000, running pi-hole on docker on windows. Disabled router DHCP, enabled on pi-hole with gateway and IP range matching bell's. When testing, I can't get an IP address, and the web interface shows this:
Reading the
documentation, I thought it was originally pointing to just lo, which it was for a bit. But when I changed my settings from all origins to just local, it shows this for all my devices now.
You should be aware that the Windows version of Docker has less features than the Linux implementation.
In particular, it does not support the network driver modes that would be required to operate Pi-hole as a DHCP server for your network, like macvlan or host.
If you'd be running your container in Docker's default bridge mode, Docker's container isolation would prevent that any of your clients DHCP broadcasts would ever reach the DHCP server within your Pi-hole container.
That said, note that the latter host mode may be available as an experimental beta feature to Docker Desktop for Windows. If you'd like to consider to go beta, you'd have to refer to Docker's documentation for details on how to enable it.
I am using the host mode, forgot to mention
A DHCP server cannot assign an IP address to itself.
You did configure a static IP on your Windows-PC, didn't you?
Please share your docker-compose or docker run script, and also the output of:
docker network list
Yes, this is it right?
The router shows this address too, or should I configure this on the router itself? and with the windows mac or wsl's (there's two)
Or do I configure that in pi-hole's dhcp