Is there a way to install the V6 from the new developer branch direct? Without install v5 before?
I want to test the installer on a fresh pi. Als I don't want to have leftovers from old versions.
Is there a way to install the V6 from the new developer branch direct? Without install v5 before?
I want to test the installer on a fresh pi. Als I don't want to have leftovers from old versions.
This is not possible. Your only option would be to use the V6 Docker image.
Well.. actually it could be done with the following, which is something I've done before when testing the installer on droplets:
sudo git clone https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole /etc/.pihole
sudo git clone https://github.com/pi-hole/web /var/www/html/admin
cd /var/www/html/admin
git checkout development
cd /etc/.pihole
git checkout development
mkdir /etc/pihole
cd /etc/pihole
touch ftlbranch
echo "development" > ftlbranch
bash /automated\ install/basic-install.sh
However, it's a bit lengthy and tbh you're better off using the V6 docker image (pihole/pihole:development
) which is good to go