Deleting session does not work

In /admin/settings/api

It does not end the session running on iPhone using Safari. You click 'delete session' and it does not do anything.

Also cannot end a session running on Chrome.

Thank you for the report. I checked this and can confirm that deleting via the multi-select and then clicking on the gray trash icon doesn't work due to two minor (but still significant enough) typos in the code fixed by

However, the red trash buttons at the end of every line still work for me, did you test those as well?

Yes they worked on some, but for example a session running on safari on iPhone does not end.

Just tested on an iPad Pro running Safari and the red trash can worked fine - shouldn't have thought there would be a difference between Phone and Pad in this case?

Apologies, I might have not been clear. I am trying to delete a session that is running on Safari via Edge on Windows.

See below video recording which hopefully will help show what I am referring too.

That's... interesting. Though I still cannot repro:

works for me

Do you have any extensions on Edge that could be interfering with the javascript? Do you see any errors on the console (F12) when clicking the button?

Just went to check and now it's working.. odd..