Dashboard Upstreamserver diagram shows unexpected Upstream servers

My Pi-hole's dashboard shows these servers

If these were DNS-servers I'd expect these (and only these) be configured where it looks as

Well, I expected exactly one DNS-server ( to appear there. The only server I don't like in the diagram is other.

I get the impression that the Pi itself informs me there is some bypassing?

Then I'd hope for some explanation here how to get rid of that bypassing.

This is not the case.

If you click the word for each category (this is a hyperlink) you will see in the query log the queries that fell into each category.

Blocked - it is in your gravity list or local domain entries and was blocked. Never went to an upstream DNS server.

Cached - Pi-hole has the answer in memory, and that was what was sent back to the client. Also never went to an upstream DNS server.

Fritz.box - Pi-hole didn't have an answer, so the query went to the Fritz.box for resolution.

Other - kind of a fill-in category for things that aren't in the three categories above.

Pi-hole can't tell you from the queries received if a client is bypassing Pi-hole. If the client is bypassing Pi-hole, Pi-hole doesn't know it.

The network table is an overview of clients that Pi-hole identifies on the network. This can help you identify network clients that are not using Pi-hole.

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Thank you for your reply. And that's what those other queries are in my case

Obviously I'm missing a basic thing.

I figured Pi-Hole filtering queries for IP-addresses. So any request either gets an answer or not. The configured DNS-upstream or the cache are the instances Pi-Hole itself looks for (positive) answers.

As I've just a single DNS configured ( I'd expect only this to be asked. In my case there are no "others". The Pi-Hole should get an address either from DNS-upstream or from cache - but nowhere else! I suspect these "others" bypassing my Pi.


As jfb has explained, the other category serves as a pool for all requests that would not fall into one of Blocked, Cached, or configured upstreams (which is currently just the Fritz.box in your case).

If you take a look at the Status column, you'll notice that all of those entries shown have a status of OK (already forwarded), i.e. a client has re-requested resolution for a domain that Pi-hole already has forwarded upstream, but not received an answer for yet.
Again, that specific duplicate request was not forwarded upstream.

To repeat:
The other classification is nothing to worry about.
In particular, it doesn't indicate that Pi-hole is being by-passed - on the contrary: It shows requests that Pi-hole has received from your clients.

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