Dashboard > Top Clients > pi.hole and localhost

Using Pi-hole for DNS and DHCP with static IP addresses and no static IP for the Pi-hole.
Pi-hole is shown in the Dashboard as pi.hole which I understand is correct, but why also localhost ( which is also Pi-hole or I have it wrong?
Thanks - Steen

admin@Pi-hole1:~ $ sudo cat /etc/hosts       localhost
::1             localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1         ip6-allnodes
ff02::2         ip6-allrouters       Pi-hole1

Your question relates to /etc/hosts rather than Pi-hole (regardless of its release).

Your entries look completely normal.
In particular, it is expected that is localhost.

Pi-hole is reading that file, and its dashboard is using that information to put names to the client IPs that send DNS requests.

Thanks - assumed so, but better to be100% sure by asking.

Queries from localhost are queries something on your system asks. Queries from pi.hole are queries generated by Pi-hole itself, not some other application on the same system. I guess the pi.hole are DNSSEC-related?

Yes, major queries on pi.hole are type DNSKEY:

Query received on:  2024-03-11 16:19:46.288 Client:  pi.hole (::) DNSSEC status:  SECURE Query Status:  Forwarded to  DNSSEC Database ID:  126078

There are some queries type DS:

Query received on:  2024-03-11 15:53:11.157 Client:  pi.hole (::) Query Status:  Forwarded to  NODATA Database ID:  124777

For the localhost I am not sure where the asks are coming from, they are all in state INSECURE:

Query received on:  2024-03-11 17:25:03.790 Client:  localhost ( DNSSEC status:  INSECURE Query Status:  Served from cache Reply:  NODATA Database ID:  12890

Query received on:  2024-03-11 15:32:19.587 Client:  localhost ( DNSSEC status:  INSECURE Query Status:  Served from cache Reply:  DOMAIN Database ID:  124440