Custom reports

It would be great to be able to export reports about specific IP. For example export all queries one specific IP has made for the last week.
Could this be implemented? It would be a good feature.

You can currently download the query log and parse it externally.

There are some uncertainties - how would you like to see this feature come along? Would you like to get the result as a text file? Which format? I think there is a lot uncertainties connected with this.

I'd suggest to use the still fairly new, but nevertheless nicely working database that is maintained by FTL. You can easily use any SQLite interface you like and benefit from the whole wealth of tools the SQL language offers to you.

Example to get every query the client has done within the most recent 7 days:

select * from queries where client == "" and timestamp >= strftime('%s', 'now',  '-7 days')


Having the option would be great. Exporting format doesn't really matter if the information is readable.
Yeah there might be many workarounds but having the option built in Pihole would make things easier.

We would love to use Pihole to block ads but also as a traffic log tool.

Does our upcoming long-term stats satisfy your feature request?

Will it have an IP filter?

No, but it can be added more or less straightforwardly. How would you like to see it? Like entering an IP and a time frame and it will generate a Query Log like list for you?

Yes. It would be great if you could export the output to a file.