I seem to have a problem is there a correct way to shut down Pi hole. The reason for asking is to shut down I currently ssh into Pi hole and use sudo shutdown, but in doing so this seems to stop wifi from working. Ethernet seems to work fine and I have full signal on wifi but no Internet.
When you turn off the Pi-hole, you lose DNS resolution on your network because you just shut down the DNS server. Pi-hole is meant to be used on always-on devices so that your network can depend on its services.
I understand that but it doesn't explain when turning pihole back on I have no internet on wifi but I'm able to connect via ethernet.
I've found if I ssh into pihole and run sudo pihole -r, selecting repair and letting it do it thing the problem is sorted and I have internet on both lan and wan.
Are you using both the WiFi and the Ethernet connection on the Pi itself?
What does ip route
look like?
Sorry I may have not explained correctly I have Pi hole set up on a Pi zero via Ethernet. I had to move the device to a different position which meant turning the Pi off, on turning it back on That's where I found the Problem.
Pi hole seemed to be OK, I could connect to the web interface via my PC (Wired), but I was unable to connect via my chrome book (wireless).
Basically on my devices I could connect via Lan but not Wan.
The problem has now been sorted by running sudo pi-hole -r, I'm now curious as to why after turning the device off then on again why this would prevent Internet access on wifi but not Ethernet.
That sounds like a wider network problem than a Pi-hole one. Since Pi-hole is able to reply to DNS requests via the ethernet connection after restarting, something else in your network is unable to deal with the temporary absence of the DNS server. Are your wireless and wired networks separated?
Everything is on the same network/router. ATM everything seems to be running fine I'm going to monitor it over the next week.
Turning Pi Hole temporarily off might be needed for configuration work like moving log files or db files to another folder (e.g. folder on more reliable file system than on Raspi's SDCard), see for example the FAQ article "Moving the Pi-hole log to another location/device".
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