Confused about the ipv6 configuration with FritzBox

Hi everyone,

I was configuring the ipv6 communication between pi-hole and FritBox and followed the tutorial here:

In the ipv4 configuration I need to add the ip address from my Raspberry, in my case I did that also in another place in FritBox:

I cannot find similar configuration for the ipv6 in this tutorial. Should I activate this option too?

And add there the ipv6 address from my Rasp?

Sorry for that stupid question, maybe its obvious, but I want to be sure ..

Sure you just had to scroll down a bit: Here

Actually the way you are doing it, you are not configuring your LAN aka Homenetwork, but rather the general internet connection the FB uses. For DNSv4 go just as described in the docs to:

Um diese Konfiguration zu nutzen, muss die IP des Pi-hole als "Lokaler DNS-Server" in


eingetragen werden.

This way all your devices that connect thru your home network with the router get to profit from the DNS Server which in turn is your pihole