Configuring two pi-hole instances

Hello, how do you configure two pi-hole instances?

In the case where the router is used as a DHCP server, I imagine that you simply have to put the two pi-hole IP addresses, but my first pi-hole instance serves as a DHCP server, do I have to put the second one in the DNS upstreams of the first one?


Just put a new file in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ called xxxxx.conf on your pi-hole that is the dhcp-server


Option 6—DNS server option. It specifies the DNS server IP address to be assigned to the clients.

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Thank you for your help, for V6 this option will be present in the toml?

Maybe :wink: for me the above is still working with v6

Have you setup Gravity Sync on both instances? Makes life much easier for syncing settings between multiple Pi-holes.

Gravity sync is no longer maintained by the dev and will not work with Pi-hole V6.

I have never used this kind of tools, in general I make a backup and I use the teleporter, with the passage from V5 to V6 and the big changes, in doubt I would start again on a clean base and make a backup as we do not know if it is 100% compatible, I use docker but it must be transportable on a bare metal

Thank for the tips :wink:

$ man dnsmasq
              The special address is taken to mean
              "the address of the machine running dnsmasq".

No. Put the IPs of your DNS servers. If the IPs are: and then


Your're right.
But can mix:



$ hostname -I
$ cat /etc/dnsmasq.d/10-dhcp-dns.conf
$ sudo pihole-FTL dhcp-discover
Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers

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