Hello, I am creating the pi-hole V6 stack
I wanted to know what is the best method for configuration, using variables in the yml or configuring via the interface?
Hello, I am creating the pi-hole V6 stack
I wanted to know what is the best method for configuration, using variables in the yml or configuring via the interface?
It is up to you, but you need to remember one main difference between both methods:
options configured via Variables in the compose file will be read only inside the container. You won't be able to change them unless you destroy the container and start a new one.
Thanks for your help, if it doesn't cause any problems for the backup to use the variables in the yml it's important
And another question that I forgot, in the example of the stack on the github for V6 there is this
# Uncomment the below if using Pi-hole as your DHCP Server
#- "67:67/udp"
But in the documentation it says that to use pi-hole as a DHCP server you have to use the host mode, this will no longer be necessary with V6?
This isn't tied to any version.
Broadcasts are same-link(segment/collision domain) only, so for Pi-hole to receive a client's DHCP broadcast, it must be on the same link. Any of Docker's network modes that does not isolate your Pi-hole container into a separate link will work, including macvlan and host.
The same-link limitation would also apply to the rest of your network outside of Docker, i.e. if your network would be split into separate links, Pi-hole's DHCP server would only be able to receive DHCP broadcasts on the link(s) that it's connected to.
Thank you for all these details Bucking_Horn