Configuration details

OS : Ubuntu 23.10
I have one wifi router at my home (airtel xtream fibre) though which I access the internet and my family members uses through their android devices. I open's router LAN page by :
IPV4 Address :
Subnet Mask :
DHCP Enable : Checked Marked
DHCP Start IP Address :
DHCP End IP Address :
DHCP Lease Time : 1440
Primary DNS :
Secondary DNS :

girish@mypc:~$ pihole status
  [✓] FTL is listening on port 53
     [✓] UDP (IPv4)
     [✓] TCP (IPv4)
     [✓] UDP (IPv6)
     [✓] TCP (IPv6)

  [✓] Pi-hole blocking is enabled
girish@mypc:~$ ip route show default
default via dev wlx00c3f213fca7 proto dhcp src metric 600 
girish@mypc:~$ sudo service lighttpd status
[sudo] password for girish: 
● lighttpd.service - Lighttpd Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/lighttpd.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-02-04 06:00:12 IST; 1h 19min ago
    Process: 2076 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/lighttpd -tt -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 2126 (lighttpd)
      Tasks: 6 (limit: 18941)
     Memory: 15.1M
        CPU: 454ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/lighttpd.service
             ├─2126 /usr/sbin/lighttpd -D -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
             ├─2146 /usr/bin/php-cgi
             ├─2147 /usr/bin/php-cgi
             ├─2148 /usr/bin/php-cgi
             ├─2149 /usr/bin/php-cgi
             └─2150 /usr/bin/php-cgi

Feb 04 06:00:11 mypc systemd[1]: Starting lighttpd.service - Lighttpd Daemon...
Feb 04 06:00:12 mypc systemd[1]

My questions :

  1. Now, at this moment, I am not able to access Pihole web interface.
  2. How my family members can enjoy network based adblocking on their android devices by using above setup.

This is my first post, so please bear with me, if I am missing to provide required info.

What happens when you try? Use the address

Once you are sure your Pi-hole is working, you will adjust your router's DHCP settings so that it gives out your Pi-hole's IP to use as the DNS for the local network.

Please can you create a debug log and post just the token URL here, and someone can take a look at your setup and make sure it's all okay. Either run the command

pihole -d

or use Tools > Generate debug log and select the option to upload.


Thank you Chris, now I am able to open the web interface. I was giving wrong IP of the Pihole's server machine, it is while I was

Now please tell me what router's DHCP settings are required so that we all can enjoy adfree network on android devices and this my home pc (through which I am typing this message)


   * The debug log can be uploaded to for sharing with developers only.

[?] Would you like to upload the log? [y/N] y
    * Using curl for transmission.


[✓] Your debug token is:
[i] Logs are deleted 48 hours after upload.


   * Provide the token above to the Pi-hole team for assistance at
   * A local copy of the debug log can be found at: /var/log/pihole/pihole_debug.log


Your Pi-hole is on the address and this address is assigned to the wifi interface on the Pi-hole. This is the interface that starts wlx...

However your Pi-hole has been configured to use the wired ethernet interface. This is the interface that starts with enp... The wired interface does not have an IP address and is not connected.

You can fix this by running the command

pihole -r

and selecting Reconfigure. This will repeat the install screens. Go through the settings carefully and select the wifi wlx... interface when prompted. You can select it with the up/down keys and press Space to select it. Continue with the rest of the settings. Once complete, your Pi-hole will be ready for use.

Then you need to go into your router and find the DHCP section. Find the DNS settings in that section and put in the IP of your Pi-hole and save the changes. This will make your router tell clients to use the Pi-hole for DNS.

Finally, if you take a client and disconnect it from, and reconnect it to, the network, it will pick up the new settings and should start using Pi-hole automatically. You willl see its queries when you refresh Pi-hole's Query Log screen in your browser.

At this point you can create another debug log if you like and post the token URL here and I'll check you're all good.

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