Coinhive is on whitelist since 2 month.. I have whitelist it (and all subdomains), restart dnsmasq, restart RPi, update RPi, update Pi-Hole, update WebAdmin, flush my computer DNS, and once in three it's work, and other they block the website. If i tcheck query, it say : in blocklist from github, and in whitelist but i haven't access it. Its's a exemple but i have a few website blocked (i think that it was because domain is on many block list, but pihole merged lists.....
Yes but on Debian 9 (Stretch), pihole don't work for me.. (and juste an another OS can block a few domains, i think no..)
I have add whitelist white -w argument, and with whitelist button on the query log (via web interface), and it say always whitelist). I have whitelist all subdomains on query log, and after it update, reboot, etc..
Yesterday the website work fine, but today no..
Yes i have launch pihole -g (many time since 1 month), and yesterday i have always use it, and i have the same error. Today at 8:00AM website work, at 10:00PM Pi-Holed !