
Some more useful lists (not sure if posted before):

pi@noads:~ $ curl -s | wc -l

I've added:

EDIT: I've found it to be also on the super mega list:


They abandoned ship and moved to Gitlab:

I've added below one now:

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Good to know, I'm using it too for some time.


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Updated, thanks for the heads up @mibere! :smiley:

Website updated on 10May18? It's June :wink:

All current downloads can be found via the CoinBlockerLists homepage.

Thanks to everyone for using the CoinBlockerLists, I appreciate it very much.

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Is there a way to automate the CoinBlockerLists with pihole -g blocklists?

Trying to get the URL location results in "Copying the contents of this page is not allowed"

I have rolled out an update for the homepage. It is now possible to copy the download link to the clipboard with one mouse click.
Just have a look at it on the download page.

Click one of the download buttons -> Copy DownloadURL to clipboard .
And the downloadlink is in your clipboard.

By the way, if someone would like to support the further development of the CoinBlockerLists this is possible via the following link:

I thank all support and users of the CoinBlockerLists.

If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement just let me know.

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This seems to have gone defunct. Haven't been able to find a new URL

Jep, it's dead. Sad.

Not surprise, Gitlab enforcement, the user has to login to use their services.

In the same boat. I searched around and found the list below with a similar name, but I am not sure the content of the list is the same:

Static (for now) fork: Simple lists that can help prevent crypto mining in the browser or other applications.