Clients do not show up

Synology: DS1823xs+
DSM: 7.2.1-69057 Update 3
Docker Tag 2023.11.0
Pi-hole v5.17.2
FTL v5.23
Web Interface v5.21

I installed PiHole on Synology using Container Manager, it runs OK but it does not retain historic data or clients.
When I look at the dashboard I do see 20-40 clients showing under Total Queries, when I go to " Client group management" I do not any client entry, nor I can add a client. The drop down list for known clients is empty. When PiHole is restarted all historic data is lost, charts are blank.
Privacy settings are set to "Show everything and record everything"

Can anyone assist with this issue?

Thank you

Screenshot 2024-01-04 104151

Bump, does anyone has any idea why none of the clients are showing up?
Thank you

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log


Thank you for your assistance, here is the token:

There are a few errors like this:

[2024-01-12 07:54:00.061 227/T263] SQLite3 message: no such column: name in "UPDATE network_addresses SET name = NULL WHERE nameUpdated < 1673531640;" (1)

The error no such column means you have a corrupted or incomplete database.

Your database file is smaller than expected (it is 44Kb, but the size of an empty database should be 80Kb):

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Pi-hole FTL Query Database
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pihole pihole 44K Jan 12 07:54 /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db

To fix it, run these commands to move the existing database to a new file name and create a fresh database.

sudo service pihole-FTL stop

sudo mv /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL-old.db

sudo service pihole-FTL start

@eloHip - Did this resolve your issue of clients not showing up? I'm having the same trouble where clients sort of appear under Top Clients on the Dashboard - primarily it's just the FQDN of my router or static IP configured devices - no IP addresses show up in Top Clients like most people report. However, on the actual Clients page, nothing shows up at all and I have setup Conditional Forwarding. Like you, I cannot add clients on the Clients page either. I have noticed if my devices are configured to use a static IP - ON THE DEVICE - that it will show a FQDN for that device in Top Clients... but still nothing on the actual Clients page.

@rdwebdesign - Interestingly enough, I see my pihole-FTL.db file is exactly 44kb as well. I'm a complete noob here with Synology Container Manager (containers in general) and Pihole - but the sudo commands you recommend, is this something where I'd need to SSH into my container to execute these commands? I'm kinda missing this basic concept to get to a terminal window when Pihole is running in Container Manager (formerly Docker) on a Synology NAS. I do have a dedicated macvlan network for my Pihole setup so that I can access the Web interface on a static LAN IP. Would really like to figure out why I can't just see my clients on the dedicated Clients page - even though I can seem to make them show up on the Top Clients area - although I don't want to go to each device and configure it with a static connection. I will finally add that I do have IPs reserved for everything at my gateway... but that just means DHCP (from the modem/router) will issue the specified IP for the given device/mac.... the devices themselves still request their IP via DHCP though.

Container Manager is just the name of the interface Synology uses to run Docker.

To run these commands inside the container, you need to execute them using docker exec command.

Try this (maybe you will need to add sudo before each command):

docker exec -it <pihole_container_name> service pihole-FTL stop

docker exec -it <pihole_container_name> mv /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL-old.db

docker exec -it <pihole_container_name> service pihole-FTL start

You will be able to see your clients in Tools > Network page.

Clients page doesn't automatically show every client. This page was designed to add specific clients into Groups.

Every client is automatically added to Default group (even clients not showing in Clients page).

If you want to add some clients into a different group, you need manually to enter the client (using the drop-down or typing) and set the desired groups.

@rdwebdesign - Thank you for the fast reply. I did run these commands and to anyone else reading this, yes, you need to SSH into your Synology to get a command line interface in order to run the commands. I did run them with "sudo" at the beginning FYI.

I am now seeing the IP addresses listed in Settings - Network page as you mentioned - before this page was also blank. On the Clients page itself - the "Select Client" list is now populated whereas before it was blank. This has helped tremendously so thanks! Now I can start grouping and finetuning my ad blocking it appears. I am not seeing hostnames in the Select Client list - just IP addresses. I believe there are other posts on this issue I will need to read up on to see if it can show hostnames instead but I can live with IP addresses if necessary - thanks!

I spoke too soon :frowning: While I do see some clients, I only see about 10 clients of 40 that are connected to my network.Top Clients still only shows devices which have been configured with Static IPs at the device. I'm not sure why that would change the behavior within Pihole... but it's something I've noticed.