Client management only shows MAC

all my clients only show their MAC on the 'List of configured clients' also.
the IP features along with the MAC when they are being chosen (and added) from the 'Know clients' dropdown.
all clients have their IPs listed in /etc/hosts along with their hostname.
this may not help but it is at least information.

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flushing the network table didn't change what is displayed for me either.
if it is of any help then my debug log is here.

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I moved your issue to a new topic into the community help: you're using nginx, which isn't a supported web server (only lighttpd is).

[80] is in use by nginx (
[80] is in use by nginx (
[80] is in use by nginx (
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thanks but i'm using lighttpd for pi-hole (via the usual, default, setup script) i'm just using an alternate port (post edited to add that it's port 8088).
nginx is running another application on the pi 3.
was only trying to help with the other thread and provide more info for the user with the problem..

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You're right. I was just rushing over your ports and was looking straight to 80 and missed

*:8088 lighttpd (IPv4)
*:8088 lighttpd (IPv6)

I still think it might be different for you, I can't see the same error in the /var/log/lighttpd/error.log

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i'm not considering it an issue (my router does the same thing when i set static IPs) but was only trying to provide further data.
strangely i just added a feature request (that probably won't matter to anyone) regarding the default port that lighttpd runs on :slightly_smiling_face:
edit - a request which has seemingly been asked about maaaany times before. duly noted.

The next version of Pi-hole (v6.0) - which is being worked on already - comes with a build-in webserver. So there will be no need of an additional webserver and port conflicts should be fairly easy to solve.

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very interesting. thank you. been away for quite a few versions and am still playing catch up.

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